Treatments Workshops Retreats
18 years ago we started to invest in our personal development. We opened the door to free ourselves from old, dysfunctional and limiting beliefs. We learned and integrated different bodywork- and massage techniques: chi nei tsang, foot reflexology, shiatsu, fascia, craniosacral therapy, ... and our vision on life changed. We got initiated to the power of intention and the wonder of silence and presence. Our lives drastically started to flow ... We let go of more and more of our fears, stepped into trust and doors opened in ways our minds would never have been able to think of.
Energy masters taught us how to reconnect to source. We were introduced to the joy of surrendering to the subtle and at the same time huge power and intelligence of the energy field. We opened up to communicate from soul to soul. We learned how to redefine ourselves and thus make our lives a more powerful and empowering experience.
A constellation is a powerful invitation to transform old patterns which keep you from living your full potential. Representatives will bring you back to crucial events in your life. The healing space we cocreate, allows blocked energy to transform. After an energetic cleansing, your whole system is open for more flow in your day to day life. It truely is a magical experience.
During our constellations we use music, and take all the time in needs in order to allow the emotions to come up as they want to. As we use as little words as possible, we allow the body to speak its universal language.
-group session of 5-12 persons
-we advise you to take a few hours of integration time after a constellation
surrender - express - reconnect
Bodyflow is a subtle, powerful form of free expression movement.
Close your eyes and take time to reconnect with your true self. Let your mind dissolve and let your body become an instrument of your soul. Allow your body to softly express itself. Music will touch you and invite you to open up. Your soul is free to express as it wants. When you surrender to your heart energy, what is slumbering inside, is invited to surface. This process is healing and rebalancing your system.
After a session of Bodyflow, you can experience joy, freedom and a deep connection with the self, with the other, with the whole ... on a totally different level than before ... Bodyflow reconnects you to life, to love, to your divinity ...
We let go of expectations and judgements. We create a safe atmosphere of openness and connection. From there we go further and deeper. You are invited for the biggest journey of your life: the one from your head to your heart.
Feel free to join at anytime during the year.
Once a session has started, we kindly ask not to disturb the process.
-group session of 5-18 persons
-loose, comfortable clothing is recommended
-we advise you to take a few hours of integration time after bodyflow
unfold your passion
Hold your breath for some deepsouldiving. During our conversation we look behind the veil and listen to what is really moving underneath the surface. What's the goal you really want to achieve ? And what keeps you from being there ? An unfolding session meant to put you back in the drivers seat.
-live or online 1-on-1 session
-we advise you to have a pencil and notebook
Heart sharing circles
A heart sharing is a safe and sacred space, during which we take the time to feel and express what is alive deep within ourselves. We are together to give birth to whatever wants to surface. The power of speaking, being heard, seen, felt and accepted for who you truely are (without judgement or expectation) is a simple way to reconnect and step into the heart energy. The field that is created by doing so is subtle and amazingly powerful.
Before entering the heart sharing, we agree:
-to hold confidentiality about what we hear.
-to speak from the I perspective (no "you", "we", "society", ...)
-we are in circle for our own journey. We do not fix, rescue or advise the other.
-to speak out when we feel triggered or upset
-we are willing to see that the projections we have about the other, actually say something about ourselves.
-group session of 3-8 persons
-we advise you to take a few hours of integration time after a session
Our treatments are a combination of gentle body- and energywork. We create a safe space in which your mind is allowed to take a rest. By reconnecting you with your body, we open the door to rebalance your system. Clients describe our treatments as "coming home", "connecting with a deeper layer of themselves", "deep soul diving", "amazing", mindblowing", ... .After a treatment you might fall in a deep sleep, in which you can process and integrate the information your system remembered. Most of the treatments, we give together. Whilst one of us is working on a physical level, the other works on an energetic level.Loose clothing is recommended. During a session you keep your clothes on.
-1-on-1 session or 2-on-1 session
-we advise you to take a few hours of integration time after a treatment
meet your dragon
Are you ready to take a leap of faith ? Whilst growing up, your mind was programmed not to live your full potential. We like to take you to the root of your limiting beliefs. And empower you to outgrow them.
The mind brings a lot of fear in our system. We invite you to look at your hidden belief system and let go of your dysfunctional patterns. Meeting your dragon is a metophor for facing your shadows. When you let go of your sabotage mechanisms and look them in the eye, your system will be cleansed and revitalised beyond your imagination.
Are you ready to reconnect with your inner power ?
during 3 consecutive weeks:
- a weekly 1on1 session,
- a weekly online zoom circle with maximum 8 persons
group zoom call on Thursday evening from 20.00 - 22.00hrs
€ 175
-during 3 consecutive weeks:
a weekly 1 hour 1-on-1 session
and a weekly zoom session of 4-8 persons
-we advise you to be in a safe, private area where you can talk openly during the sessions

Moving Mountains
a 5 day, life changing seminar (together with our colleages of the Elixir of Life)
What you belief to be true, creates the experience you get. So why not choose a belief system that empowers you ? Are you ready to look at all the safety officers, protection mechanisms you put in place and are loyal to ?
Your belief system is creating the experience you get out of your life. because you believe it.
*Contrary to how all of us are raised, we believe that the mind is the limiting factor in our lives. When you dare to step out of the control room, your life can start flowing again.
*Your state of being creates the experience you get, and attracts the circumstances that confirm your state of being.
*Only when you believe in magic, it can show up in your life.
During our retreats, we bring you the experience of reconnecting with your true self, with the other, with nature. We don't give extensive talks or explanations of that what is actually beyond words.
Heart Sharing Circles
During previous times we lived in community, we facilitated our weekly heart sharing circles, bodyflow, constellations.
We finetuned the tools to reconnect
A heart sharing is a safe and sacred space in time, during which we take our time to feel and express what is alive deep within ourselves.
Before entering a Heart Sharing Circle, we agree:
-to keep confidentiality about what we hear.
-to speak from the I perspective (not "you", "we", "society", ...)
-we are in circle for our own journey. We do not fix, rescue or advise the other.
-to speak out when we feel triggered or upset
-we are willing to see that the projections we have about the other, actually say something about ourselves.
We are together to give birth to whatever wants to surface. We let go of judgements and expectations. Being heard, seen and accepted for who we truely are, is a simple way to reconnect and step into the heart energy. The field we cocreate is subtle, vulnerable and amazingly powerful.
Private retreats
we give tailor made private retreats for 2 to 7 days. Please mail us for the conditions
Men groups
Back in Belgium Jan used to organise men groups. He wants to start an online group. If you are interested in joining, please contact us.
Sharing circles
During our time in a previous community, we facilitated the heart sharing circles. During the Covid19 lockdown we started to see how powerful online heart sharing circles can be ... If you want to join, please contact us for the next heartsharing.
You are much more powerful than you can imagine.
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